Diving Into Amazon’s Newest Superhero

We are currently drowning. While the MCU has given us many great movies, its success has unfortunately led to gaining an over abundance of superhero media. As such, people have begun to dub this phenomenon as superhero fatigue. However, I don’t think that it exists. Instead, I feel that the problem is we just haven’t gotten enough good superhero stuff in a while. Now it’s more likely for superhero media to be bad than good. That’s why when we get some truly good superhero content, people talk and praise it a lot. If you don’t believe me, then look no further.
Invincible follows Mark Greyson, your everyday highschool kid who also happens to be the son of the most powerful hero on the planet Omni-Man. All his life he wanted to be a hero just like his father. So when he finally got his powers, he was absolutely ecstatic and rushed to tell his parents. From here, we see Mark struggle to balance his life as a regular human and a superhero also needing to figure out what is more important to him. What really sets the tone for the show as a whole is the first episode. From here, we learn just what type of show it is that you should be prepared to watch. If you are interested in watching the show for yourself, I recommend leaving now, as I am about to get into spoilers. You’ve been warned. Seeing Omni-Man just brutally murder the Guardians for seemingly no reason was a major shock. We assume that they are going to be a major part of the story, so to see him single-handedly take them out serves both as a display of his power and an awakening of sorts. The looming threat that Omni-Man poses as the government struggles to figure out a way to stop him, should he strike again, was very interesting to watch. And the final confrontation between Mark and his father was truly heart wrenching, even if it somehow became a meme.
Invincible isn’t your typical superhero show. Much like The Boys, it offers its own take on the superhero genre as a whole. With two seasons under its belt and a third on its way, you are sure to have an amazing time watching it.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer
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