The Hidden Cost Of Ubisoft

It’s been a long time since the last Assassin’s Creed game, but we have finally gotten word of a new one in the works. In this newest installment you’re able to switch between fighting as a samurai who charges into battle or take a more stealthy approach as a deadly ninja. The biggest discourse this game has had is the fact that the samurai in question is being portrayed by a black man. Many people seem to think that this is Ubisoft shoehorning in a black character in order to seem more progressive. The issue that people should be focusing on is the fact that Ubisoft is basically preventing players from playing the game properly.
One thing that you might not be aware of is the fact that Ubisoft is granting players who pre order the game a gift. While other games will usually give out cosmetic options or special weapons, Ubisoft decided that it would be a good idea to instead give them a special quest that only they can play. This means that if you don’t preorder the game, you will be unable to play the full game. This basically forces players who wanted to wait for more information on the game to pre order now if they want to get everything.
However what is truly egregious is the actual price of the game and its content. The base game starts at $70. But if you want to get all of the content available then you must pay the hefty price of $130. While it is true that games have offered pre order dlc, the maximum amount of money you’d usually have to spend is around $80. Most people would never spend $130 for a game that they know almost nothing about, especially when the studio producing said game has had a less than stellar track record lately. This might explain why Ubisoft is offering a subscription plan where you only need to pay $18 a month to play the game. The problem with this however is that should you ever stop paying for the subscription, you will lose access to the game and thus all of your progress. You’d essentially be renting the game from Ubisoft.
Ubisoft has lost a lot of credibility lately with their biggest recent blunder being their “quadruple a game” Skull and Bones being an utter failure. That’s why many weren’t surprised by them trying to squeeze money out of players with this game. While I’m sure they’ll keep trying to find new ways to scam players, I can only hope that this article helps stop at least a few players from being scammed.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer