The Loving Defender’s Return

Yubel. A somewhat notorious archetype known for a lot of potential, but stopped by its own nature. While they have powerful effects, they were unfortunately not enough to warrant creating entire decks around. Thus Yubel fell into obscurity with the only thing keeping it alive being nostalgia. However, that changes now.
One of Yubel’s biggest downsides was its summoning requirements. Due to being level 10, you would need to sacrifice two monsters just to bring it out. This meant that you would need to waste at least two turns on it when you could instead spend that time doing something else. This combined with its maintenance cost made it almost pointless to summon. ‘Samsara Regenerating Lotus’ addressed both of these issues. With the ability to tribute itself to bring out Yubel and to then bring itself back again to pay for Yubel’s maintenance, it made actually using it a none issue.
For those times when you find yourself with an open field, ‘Spirit of Yubel’ is there for you. Summoning itself for free upon an attack from your opponent as well as a searcher for your Yubel Spell/Trap makes it a great starter. This card, as well as Yubel in general, work especially well with their newest spell Nightmare Pain. Thanks to this card your opponent can longer pass their turn without attacking as they are now forced to attack a Yubel monster if they can. This combined with the other effect of ‘Nightmare Pain’ essentially doubles any damage they would receive upon attacking one. This essentially makes Yubel less reactionary as you can now attack into monsters and deal actual damage with Yubel.
One of Yubel’s best effects allows it to grow stronger once it is destroyed. However there hasn’t been a consistent way to trigger this before. This changed though with Nightmare Pain’s final effect which allows you to destroy Yubel in order to search for even more Yubel related cards. When combined with the other new spell Mature Chronicle, you can eventually search out the powerful ‘Super Polymerization’. This will allow you to clear the board by summoning Yubel’s newest boss monster ‘Yubel – Das Ewig Liebe Wächter’. Thanks to having generic materials, it is possible to get rid of your opponent’s monsters as well as burn them for each one used.
Each of these new cards helps to address a problem that Yubel needed help with as well as giving benefits to doing so. This has made it so Yubel no longer has to rely on outside cards and can instead focus on its own playstyle. So watch out for if you’re not careful, you might fall victim to the loving defender.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer